Sunday 1 June 2014

Trailer Plan

Trailer plan

I am going to make my animation style of sequential and digital cel/tradigital, as I will be able to keep game play as a feature in the trailer, so that the viewer can have a taste of the product they will be purchasing. I will be also using tradigital styled animation for my text in the trailer or maybe for animated characters.

I will be using flash, Sony Vegas Pro and Fraps for my animation as I will be able to combine the tradigital and sequential styles of animation.I will not be able to use styles such as flip book, index card or cel as this style of animation does not include sound and I must include sound in my animation as a requirement.
I plan on making the format WMV as it is easier to render and also has a good HD resolution when rendered in Sony Vegas pro.


Idea 1

My first idea is that I create a video in which the character address the audience thought dialogue that explains what the game is in a joking manner by taking the mick out of me the developer and the game itself and to show dialogue the character will have movement of moving up and side to side a lot like style that AlfaBusa does on his YouTube animations.

Idea 2

My second idea is that I animate text in the trailer to move, squash and stretch and burn. The text would move onto the screen and slowly move to the side while burning over blurred gameplay from my game in the background.


I will be aiming the trailer at people of the age of 11 – 65 as that is the audience of the game I made for Fareham Byte. To make the trailer suitable for my audience I will not include gore, bad language, drug references or sex references. If I am to use humour I will have to make it understandable for my age gap. However my idea to take the mick out of the game and the developer would work for that age gap as long as I keep my language suitable for my audience that will include no Sexual references or bad language.

Planning links and production schedule



Production schedule
Day 1
Character animation and masking: This will take  about  6 - 10 hours in total not including breaks.
Day 2
Special effects e.g. fire, blur, explosions  and fade in and outs: 1 hour
Adding in text: 10 minutes.
Rendering: 30 minutes
Approximant amount of hours to complete 11 hours and 40 minutes 
I was able to follow this production schedule, but I was able to complete the trailer in 5 hours rather than spending 10 to 11. This is because I found the animation process a lot easier than I expected. Next time I will re-evaluate my work to  estimate a faster schedule and will consider faster techniques when executing the animation.

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